Frequently asked questions for parents
What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?
The symptoms of Covid-19 are
a new, continuous cough
a high temperature
a loss of smell or taste
What do I do if my child has these symptoms?
You must NOT send your child to our sessions. Instead, you must inform the us and arrange to have a test. Everyone in your household should self-isolate for 14 days. If the test is NEGATIVE, your child can return to school once they feel better. If the test is POSITIVE, your child needs to stay off school for 8 days and the rest of the household must continue to self-isolate until the 14-day period is over.
What if someone in my session has a confirmed case of Covid-19?
We will notify the local public health team who will guide us. The current guidance states that if there are 2 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in a class, we would close that class and the staff would have to go home.
What will happen if there is another lockdown?
If another lockdown occurs, children will need to do remote learning. We have already put together plans if this were to be the case and would be offering further support for learning. We will announce the details should this occur.
How will I know what is happening?
Sportypeople will send messages via email from I cannot emphasise enough about how important it is that you check and read your messages. This is our main form of communication and you must ensure you read the messages and any attachments. If you have a problem, you must notify the office.
Prevention and Illness
Prevention - Hygiene routines
All staff and children are expected to stick to the hygiene routines that we have established. Washing hands on entry to school, before any food and after playtimes. We will also model and share the “catch it, kill it, bin it” routine. All rooms/working areas will be ventilated by opening windows and keeping doors open. Doors will be propped open to ensure that they do not need to be touched regularly and for airflow. Wedges will be removed at the end of a day and doors shut to comply with fire safety regulations.
Prevention - Cleaning routines in classrooms and shared areas
Tables to be wiped down before the end of the morning and the afternoon, as well as regularly throughout the day. Handles and handrails will be wiped down regularly during the day. All adults working at their desk are responsible for keeping these clean. This will also apply to the PPA room. Adults will need to make sure they clean their spaces themselves. Adults are expected to clear up after themselves in the staffroom and wash their own cups, plates, cutlery etc. Larger scale cleaning takes place before and after school. Each room will have its own task list so cleaners can see what needs to be done. This should be completed daily. Each room should have its own hand sanitizer, wipes, spray and cloths. Please note these should not be within the reach of children. Areas that are widely shared should be cleaned throughout the day. All rooms should use the daily checklists to ensure cleaning is recorded. This will be regularly reviewed. Where there has been a confirmed case of Covid-19, that classroom and all resources will be subject to a deep clean.
Prevention - Sickness and illness
All staff and children should not come into school if they have Covid-19 symptoms or have tested positive in the last 7 days. NB Symptoms are – a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of smell or taste. Adults or children must be sent home and advised to follow stay at home guidance. The guidance states that they must self-isolate for 7 days and get a test to see if they have Covid-19. Other members of their household, (including any siblings), should self-isolate for 14 days from when that person first had symptoms. Any member of staff who has helped someone with symptoms or any pupils who have been in close contact with them, do not need to go home to self-isolate unless they have developed symptoms themselves or if the symptomatic person tests positive. They should also request a test themselves in both circumstances.
Prevention – social distancing
All staff are expected to social distance from each other following guidelines. There are limits on the number of adults allowed in a room and there are signs on any communal spaces to make sure this happens. For older children, we expect them to be able to social distance from each other. There will be a zero tolerance for children who are “on purpose” not following these guidelines.