School Services


SportyPeople offers creative, purposeful and cost-effective solutions to raising standards of PE delivery within schools. We are committed to raising participation in clubs, improving the physical education curriculum and offer a wide range of sporting initiatives during lunchtimes to meet your needs.   We promise to provide every service to your highest level of satisfaction. 

School Games Mark Award

We give free advice and practical tips of achieving School Games Mark status
School Games

Increase Pupil Participation

Through before, LUNCHTIME and afterschool CLUBS ! This will help your school compete to an improved standard in inter and intra school sport competitions.  Please feel free to look at our brochure...
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Sports Leadership

Support and increase the number of students in leading sports activities in your school.  
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School Services

We offer a wide range of services which include School Inset, After/Lunch/Before School Clubs, Curriculum and Midday Supervisor Support.
We can provide help and support to teachers, teaching assistants and mid-day supervisors to aid in the delivery of PE/Sport programs at your school. We can also offer cost-effective solutions for before school, lunchtime and afterschool clubs through our various sports programmes. 

Our coaches provide an environment in which children best learn. They make sure staff have everything that is needed, such as the right equipment, session design and importantly atmosphere! 

They strive to create an environment that is best for children to learn and play, through innovative ideas and best practices. They develop teachers and performers improving your overall delivery of Physical Education.

We see our work as a valuable partnership and as such would be pleased to get involved in days, sports days and any special fundraising events, i.e from parent association.
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Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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